Dénoncer les idées dépassées

Recent years

have been marked by significant progress for the rights of LGBTQ+ people, but also by an alarming increase in violence and a setback on certain rights.

These setbacks, often motivated by social, political or ideological considerations, represent a worrying trend that threatens the progress made in Quebec, in Canada and globally.

Everywhere, anti-LGBTQ+ hatred seems to be taking hold and growing, leading to a considerable increase in violence against LGBTQ+ people or people perceived as such.

We must remain vigilant and continue to denounce these anti-LGBTQ+ acts.

The LGBTQphobic Agenda,

the agenda that denounces the decline in the rights of LGBTQ+ people.

This agenda reflects an alarming increase in anti-LGBTQ+ hatred. Whether through speech, actions or stances, these events show that there is still much to do in terms of awareness to combat prejudice, discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ people.

In 2023, we documented over 400 events before selecting one per day for the LGBTQphobic Agenda. The events listed in the calendar were included based on two criteria: either the event actually took place on the same day or it was reported by a media outlet on the same day.

This agenda goes back in time to illustrate the recent decline of our rights.

Downloadthe LGBTQphobic Agenda

75% of LGBTQ+ youth in the United States say hate crimes and threats of violence against LGBTQ+ spaces often cause them stress or anxiety.

Source: The Trevor Project, 2023

In France, according to the Ministère de l’Intérieur, the number of “anti-LGBT+” crimes has doubled since 2016, an increase of 104%.

In France SOS Homophobie says that the number of homosexual and trans people reporting physical aggression has increased by 30% over the last year.

Source: France 24, 16 mai 2023

In Italy, 41.4% of respondents said that being gay or bisexual has been a disadvantage to their career, professional recognition, or salary, particularly among private sector employees.

Source: NBC News, 2023

66% of the 21 Commonwealth African countries criminalize homosexuality.

Source: Stonewall

91% of Gambians say the area they live in is not a good place for LGBTQ+ people.

Source: Gallup. 2023

In Kenya, 2% of people support same-sex marriage.

Source: Pew Research center, 2023

In Asia, according to surveys carried out between June 1, 2022, and September 17, 2023, 43% of people say they are opposed to same-sex marriage.

Source: Pew Research center 2023

Indonesians are strongly opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage. About nine in ten people (92%) oppose allowing same-sex marriage. Among them, 88% say they are firmly opposed to this measure. Only 5% of Indonesians support same-sex marriage.

Source: Pew Research center, 2023

In Malaysia, 82% of people oppose legal same-sex marriage.

Source: Pew Research center, 2023

41% of South Koreans support legal same-sex marriage and 56% oppose it.

Source: Pew Research center 2023

More than a third of Australians (35%) oppose a non-binary gender option being offered on official documents (2023).

Source: Ipsos, 2023

43% of New Zealanders oppose transitional care being covered by health insurance.

Source: Ipsos, 2023

Globally,there is a decline in LGBTQ+ rights in every region of the world.

A few years ago, Western countries were considered a benchmark for LGBTQ+ rights, but this perception has changed.

The United States, France, England, and Canada have witnessed numerous anti-LGBTQ+ acts perpetrated by members of civil society or political figures.

Several elements may contribute to this rise in hatred. Among them, is the persistence of prejudices and negative stereotypes toward LGBTQ+ people, as well as the spread of misinformation and hate speech.

Learn more

Let’s fight against the decline of LGBTQ+ rights

An initiative of
Fondation Émergence
Partnering with
  • Havas Montréal
  • Beauvoir - Agence créative
  • Air Canada
  • Hydro Québec
  • Rio Tinto
  • Fierté Montréal
  • CSN
  • Aéroport de Montréal
  • Unifor Québec
  • FIQ
  • FTQ
Our media partners
  • Québecor
  • Tök - agence de communications
  • Publicité sauvage
  • Fugues
Our community partners
  • Egides - Alliance internationale francophone pour l'égalité et les diversités
  • Réseau Dignité
  • Alliance Arc-en-ciel
  • Egale
  • Fierté Afrique Francophone